Produse pentru butoi mic (35)

Baril metalic cu capac detașabil 200 - Barile metalice

Baril metalic cu capac detașabil 200 - Barile metalice

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0485 Bottom Thickness Mm:1 Shell Thickness Mm:1 Height:3 mm - 820
Set de pompe COMBIFLUX pentru cantități mici de umplere - cu motor cu baterie detașabil

Set de pompe COMBIFLUX pentru cantități mici de umplere - cu motor cu baterie detașabil

Die kleine dichtungslose Fasspumpe COMBIFLUX mit abnehmbarem Akku-Motor FBM-B 3100 eignet sich besonders zum Abfüllen vergleichsweise kleiner Mengen aus Gebinden wie Kanistern bis hin zu 200 Liter Fässern. Der kleine Außenrohr-Durchmesser erlaubt das Fördern auch aus engen Öffnungen. Das Pumpen-Set besteht aus Pumpe mit Motor, 1,5 m Schlauchleitung und Zapfpistole. Produkt-Merkmale: - Verbindung Motor und Pumpe durch Schnellspannkupplung - Geringer Außenrohr-Durchmesser - Befestigungshaken für Zapfpistole am Druckstutzen - Dichtungslos im Mediumsbereich - Geringes Gewicht Vorteile: - Motor einfach abnehmbar - Mehrere Pumpen nacheinander mit einem Motor betreibbar - Auch zum Abfüllen kleinerer Mengen geeignet - Kann aus enghalsigen und schwer zugänglichen Behältern fördern - Minimaler Kraftaufwand bei Fasswechsel - Zapfpistole durch Befestigungshaken immer schnell griffbereit - Platzsparend lagerbar
Butoi Marketender

Butoi Marketender

Marketenderfass oval mit Zubehör Die in unserem Betrieb hergestellten Marketenderfässer sind aus besten luftgetrocknetem Eichenholz gefertigt . Die Fassreifen sind aus Messing und die Außenseite ist farblos lackiert. Die Fassinnenseite ist mit einem Fasswachs versehne. Auf Kundenwunsch kann auch ein Text oder ein Logo eingebrannt werden. Erzeugt in: Österreich
Butoaie 20 / 28 / 56 / 112L - Butoaie mici noi din stejar francez sau castan

Butoaie 20 / 28 / 56 / 112L - Butoaie mici noi din stejar francez sau castan

Petits fûts en chêne ou châtaigner avec des contenances de 20 / 28 / 56 et 112L. Ces fûts s'avèrent être idéals pour l'élevage des spiritueux (rhum, armagnac, whisky, etc..), des bières et bien sûr du vin.
Butoaie din stejar

Butoaie din stejar

We make wooden barrels sized 5 to 500 litres in French, American and Portuguese oak in size in Chestnut and Acacia with a paraffin finish. The French and American oak barrels are made in the traditional way of larger barrels, but the Chestnut and Acacia options require a food-safe paraffin coating to ensure there is no possibility of leakage. Both options are made with galvanized hoops, with a toasted interior and are fully pressure tested. Most traditional oak barrel manufacturers no longer produce wooden barrels in the small sizes that we specialize in, because of the extra work it gives; our production facilities are set up to make sure that we can produce these smaller barrels efficiently however, including the most up-to-date machinery to aid our highly skilled coopers to perform some of their craft that originally had to be done 100% manually. We also supply many of our standard barrel sizes in used oak, either from wine or fortified wine. ** Ask for a quote **
butoaie STR

butoaie STR

Os barris de carvalho STR, onde "STR" significa Shaved (raspado), Toasted (tostado) e Recharred (carbonizado novamente), são uma inovação na indústria de destilados. Criados com um processo específico que modifica a estrutura interna do carvalho, esses barris conferem características distintas às bebidas, melhorando a maturação e a complexidade aromática do destilado. Abaixo estão as principais vantagens do uso desses barris na produção de destilados. 1. Aumento da Complexidade e Intensidade Aromática O processo STR cria camadas adicionais de sabor dentro do barril. Raspando a superfície interna, o carvalho expõe novas camadas de madeira, removendo taninos mais agressivos e outras substâncias que poderiam tornar a bebida amarga. Ao serem tostados e carbonizados novamente, os açúcares naturais do carvalho caramelizam, intensificando aromas como baunilha, caramelo, frutas secas e especiarias. Esse perfil é especialmente valioso para destilados como whisky e rum, onde a profundidade de sabor é muito apreciada. 2. Maturação Mais Rápida e Suave Graças ao STR, os barris facilitam uma interação mais rápida entre a madeira e o destilado, acelerando o processo de maturação. O barril raspado, tostado e carbonizado elimina os compostos mais agressivos e intensifica as notas mais suaves e agradáveis. Assim, o destilado amadurece mais rapidamente, adquirindo complexidade sem perder suavidade, o que é ideal para destilarias que buscam reduzir o tempo de envelhecimento sem comprometer a qualidade. 3. Equilíbrio entre Suavidade e Robustez O STR cria um equilíbrio entre o caráter amadeirado e os sabores frutados e caramelizados. A carbonização controlada permite que o destilado absorva aromas equilibrados de madeira tostada e caramelo, resultando em um produto final que é robusto e, ao mesmo tempo, suave ao paladar. 4. Sustentabilidade e Reutilização de Barris O uso de barris STR também promove a sustentabilidade. Ao reutilizar barris antigos e aplicar o processo STR, as destilarias conseguem renovar a vida útil dos barris e reduzir a necessidade de novas madeiras, conservando recursos. Essa prática sustentável agrega valor ao produto final e atende a uma demanda crescente por processos ambientalmente conscientes na produção de bebidas alcoólicas.
Bar de Vin Butoi

Bar de Vin Butoi

Barrica de castanho convertida em bar, com prateleira e 2 portas.
Mini saună - butoi de cedru - saună miniaturală interioară

Mini saună - butoi de cedru - saună miniaturală interioară

Cedar Phyto Sauna: A Natural Way to Relax and Rejuvenate! Dimensions: 800x850 mm Height: 1300 mm Material: Cedar (can be made of Alder, Linden on request) Bottom and lid thickness - 40 mm, wall thickness - 40 mm; treated with tung oil (special oil for baths and steam rooms); The tilt helps to better relax the neck muscles and also improves the outlook, making the person feel more comfortable. Steam generator included in the price;
Containere Rotunde 1

Containere Rotunde 1

Nennen Sie uns den Durchmesser und die Höhe Ihres Wunschformates und wir schicken Ihnen das passende Angebot. Von 20 mm bis über 30 cm Durchmesser bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihr Produkt in einer runden Dose, qualitativ hochwertig zu verpacken.
Bancă de economii Butoi Butoi de bere Butoi de vin

Bancă de economii Butoi Butoi de bere Butoi de vin

Spardose auch hochwertigem Vinyl-Kunststoff Bruchsichere, schwere, hochwertige Qualität. MADE IN GERMANY Inkl. Schloss und Schlüssel
Dulap Rezistent la Foc pentru Butoaie VBF 90.2-K - Cu Raft pentru Containere Mici

Dulap Rezistent la Foc pentru Butoaie VBF 90.2-K - Cu Raft pentru Containere Mici

- Pour le stockage de plus grandes quantités de liquides inflammables (H224-226) dans les locaux de travail - Résistance 90 minutes testée selon les exigences de la norme EN 14470-1 - Préparée pour le raccord à un système de ventilation (DN 75), raccord intégré dans la toiture - Ouvertures d’aération auto-fermantes en cas d’incendie - Grand confort d'utilisation grâce au système de maintien de porte avec ferme-porte à glissière - Raccord de mise à la terre intérieur et extérieur sur la paroi arrière, à l’intérieur avec câble de terre avec pince -Revêtement époxy de haute qualité RAL 7035, gris clair - Dispositif de maintien de porte de série - Portes verrouillables par serrure à barillet - Gain de temps en raison de la proximité des produits au poste de travail - Bac de rétention en acier pour protéger des fuites de liquides - Avec rayonnage avec 3 étagères pour le stockage de bidons Modèle:VbF 90.2-K Durée de protection coupe-feu:Modèle 90 Produits à stocker:Liquides inflammables et polluants Equipement:1 rayonnage pour le stockage de petits récipients Version de la porte:porte battante Charnières:bilatéral Version de portes:2 battants Couleur de la porte et du corps:gris(e) Matériau:tôle d'acier Largeur extérieure:1555 mm Profondeur extérieure:1018 mm Hauteur extérieure:2224 mm Largeur intérieure:1386 mm Profondeur intérieure:864 mm Hauteur intérieure:1890 mm Poids:1100 kg Charge admissible / étagère:200 kg Volume de rétention du bac au sol:66 l
Bidon de miere 320 kg

Bidon de miere 320 kg

Bidon de miel 320 kg
Pompă pentru butoi - Pompă mică pentru butoi 12 L/min

Pompă pentru butoi - Pompă mică pentru butoi 12 L/min

Pompalayabileceği Sıvılar: Yağlar (SAE50’ye kadar) ,seyreltilmiş antifriz , benzin ,mazot ve türevleri Kapasite sahası: 60 / 200 / 220 lt. variller Boşaltma: Pvc boşaltma hortumu 1000mm + ucu. Pompa gövdesi: Darbeye dayanıklı alüminyum alaşım gövde O-ringlerin malzemesi: NBR Emiş borusu: 3 parça toplam 740mm kaplanmış boru Bağlama ağzı: G2” erkek ve M 64 x 4 Paket: Karton satış paketi 80 x 100 x 325mm ölçülerinde Paketiyle birlikte toplam ağırlık: 1,32kg
Mini Butoi 5 l + Dop din Cauciuc

Mini Butoi 5 l + Dop din Cauciuc

Sehr geschickte Bierfässer, bekannt von kommerziellen Bieren. Sehr geschickte Druckfässer, bekannt von kommerziellen Bieren. Mit speziellem wiederverwendbarem Gummistopfen. Größe: 5 l


Farblose bis gelbliche, ölige Flüssigkeit mit ammoniakartigem Geruch.
Pompa de butoi pentru acid concentrat - B2 Battery PVDF - Pompa de butoi cu baterie - B2 Battery PVDF pentru acizi și baze concentrate

Pompa de butoi pentru acid concentrat - B2 Battery PVDF - Pompa de butoi cu baterie - B2 Battery PVDF pentru acizi și baze concentrate

Die Fasspumpe B2 Battery ist geeignet für dünnflüssige, wässrige bis leicht viskose Medien. Das Set ist zur Entnahme von Kleinbinden wie z. b. Kanister oder Hobbocks geeignet. Die Pumpe ist jederzeit flexibel und schont damit wichtige Ressourcen. Das Set wird ohne Akku und Ladegerät geliefert. * Austauschbarer, leistungsstarker Akku mit Li-Ionen * Akkulaufzeit 35 min bei maximaler Drehzahl * 1 Akkuladung entleert ca. 12 x 200 Literbehälter Eigenschaften & Vorteile * BLDC Motor mit hohem Wirkungsgrad bis zu 70% * stufenlos regelbar * hohe Akkulaufzeit * automatische Abschaltung bei Überlastung * ausgereifter Schnellverschluss * Die max. Fördermenge ist ein ermittelter Wert mittels Prüfstand und gemessen mit Wasser bei einer Mediumstemperatur von ca. 20° C. Die Messung erfolgt am Druckstutzen der Pumpe, ohne Schlauch, Zapfpistole oder Durchflussmesser.
022 mic salon 4 scaune și masă - toate creațiile mele

022 mic salon 4 scaune și masă - toate creațiile mele

022 petit salon 4 chaises et table - toutes mes creations
Baril metalic cu capac detașabil 200 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu capac detașabil 200 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0491-E Bottom Thickness Mm:1 Shell Thickness Mm:1 Height:3 mm - 820
Baril metalic cu capac detașabil 200 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu capac detașabil 200 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0491 Bottom Thickness Mm:1 Shell Thickness Mm:1 Height:3 mm - 820
Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling In Stock:0 Product No:B0430 Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0455-E Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0464-E Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0452 Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 200 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0458 Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0433-1 Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Butoi metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Butoaie metalice

Butoi metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Butoaie metalice

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0443-P Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling In Stock:0 Product No:B0430-E Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling. In Stock:0 Product No:B0412 Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

The barrel is made of steel galvanized sheets. The shell is welded and reinforced by pressed stiffeners. The bottom andid are connected with the shell by multiple safety folding. A sealing substance is applied in the folding to provide tightness that is examined with each barrel. The filling hole is closed by a plug that can be secured by a protective cap with a tearoff strip. This ensures original condition of the packing. The design enables multiple use minor repairs and recycling In Stock:0 Product No:B0427-E Bottom Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Shell Thickness Mm:1 and 2 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880
Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

Baril metalic cu dopuri 2165 - Barili metalici

The barrel is suitable for transport and storage ofiquid substances. Stamping on theid means approval for transport according to international regulations: IMDGCode marine transport RID railway transport ADR road transport In Stock:0 Product No:B0424-E Bottom Thickness Mm:1 Shell Thickness Mm:0 and 8 Surface Treatment:Zn Bottom:G2 Shell:x Deaeration Hole In The Bottom:G 3/4 Height:3 mm - 880